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Closing the voter registration gap has to be a community effort, so we're asking everyone to join us in taking the #8by8Challenge—register 8 friends to register to vote in 8 days!

See why others are doing it

Here's How it Works

1. Sign Up

Sign up with your name and email address to get started.

sign up

2. Invite your friends

Get 8 friends via social media or messaging apps to join your challenge.

invite your friends

3. Friends take action

Your friends can support your challenge by taking 1 of 3 actions: register to vote, set up election reminders, or take the challenge themselves. You'll earn 1 badge per friend who takes action!

friends take action

4. Win the challenge!

When 8 of your friends have taken action towards your challenge in 8 days, you win!

earn 8 badges in 8 days